
A Journey To Cali, Colombia

I made a five-hour motorbike journey to Cali, Colombia, this weekend. That was pretty fun and not what I expected at all! Santiago de Cali is the third-largest city in Colombia, just after Bogota and Medellin, and the only one bordering the Pacific Ocean. It’s got several most interesting nicknames: The Salsa Capital of the World, Capital of Happiness, Sports Capital of Colombia, Branch of Heaven, The Sultana of the Valley. I’ve learned this on the way, so it seemed only natural to explore all the reasons behind it.

Sometimes there are no expectations but to make a change, go for another journey, or just a ride. So I found myself in a small town with a small company.

We were staying just next to a spacious Italian restaurant run by an Italian guy called Frederico. It was a non-stop diner with minimum furniture and great food.

Then I got to visit a place with the most unusual homemade drink. The guy that was working behind the bar was very talkative. He was happy to share a story about this place, a local drink, showing me some rather interesting propaganda. And that propaganda was used to convert people from the original drink to a fake one under the name of cervezas. Now, I’ve never seen propaganda like this. It aimed to call people donkeys simply because they did not share a taste for drink. Darn interesting if you ask me!

After having a local drink, it was nighttime. We went for a walk to discover that all life of the town moved up the hill in a churchyard. Youth, elderly, children with their families – they’re at this place. It also opens up such a great night view over the town.

Information on safety in this town is not the freshest if looked at and searched from outside the country. The newest information is dating as far as 2011 and does not seem brightest. The high international crime rate in 2011 is related to organized drug trafficking, but some of the people I met here are convincing me that now, in 2021, the situation is much different. I spent so little time here to experience reasons supporting either case, but I will tell you this much: if someone had told me that I would take a peek at a very crowdy fashion show, I’d send him off. If someone had told me I would take a local no-name drink and have it no matter the taste, I would send him off. If someone had told me that I would walk through the streets of a Colombian town all deserted, with almost zero traffic, I would tell him goodbye.

The ride

It took 200 kilometers from Manizales to Cali. Though ride, let me tell you that. Many elevation changes, lots of temperature changes. We were lucky to have cloudy weather. Early in the morning, there were not many people in the traffic or staying at small, local bars. I was the only one. To have a cup of coffee sounds like a great start to the day. And so it was. Who knows what else is there to come. But I am ready for it.

Please visit my YouTube channel for a vlog on this authentic experience. And thank you for being here!

Is it safe to travel to Cali Colombia?

Safety is a very personal assessment. I recently rode my motorcycle from Manizales Colombia to Cali. Most people would say that riding a motorcycle itself through Colombia is a dangerous thing. I on the other hand had absolutely no issues riding my motorcycle, walking around at night, going to clubs, or any of that stuff. Your results may vary and your risk tolerance may vary. But I had no issue. You also need to understand what you’re doing that makes you a target. It is important to blend in. If you are wearing shorts, sandals, and whipping out your expensive phone, chancers are you’re going to have trouble.

Is Cali Colombia Worth Visiting?

Absolutely. Cali Colombia is a culturally rich place. IF you want to learn how to dance the tango, experience next-level night life, and enjoy hot weather. Because cali is hot, then cali is for you. There are also a ton of beautiful parks and zoos in cali.

How do People Dress in Cali?

Most large Colombia cities like cali are a little more formal than you would expect. If you go out to night life, expect to dress decently. During the day, if you wear shorts and flipflops, you will get targeted as a tourist. Another thing to note is that the people in Cali are a little more fit than the rest of colombia. This is just a fact. So dress accordingly.

How many days do I need in Cali Colombia?

7 days should be enough to see most of what Cali has to offer. Some people may say no you need more time, but to hit on the main attractions, I think it can all be done in a week or so. I was a little bored there after a week. While you may look at Cali on the map and say it’s a big city, the thing is that the parts that are suitable for tourism are few. The majority of the eastern side of the city has a lot of crime and you would not want to go there at night. But then again, the parts along the river are great.

Which is Better, Cali or Medellin?

My opinion is that Medellin is far better. The thing with Medellin is that you have other beautiful places nearby. Like rionegro, or the mountains of San Felix. There are tons and tons of other options. Cali is just cali. It’s hot. But hey, that may be your exact cup of tea.

What is considered rude in Colombia?

Most western conceptions of rude are also followed in Colombia. In addition, you should great people with a salutations, ask how they are, and don’t just bark orders or questions at people. For example, imagine you’re riding passenger seat in a car and you need directions, you pull up next to a street vendor and roll your window down. In this scenario, I would not just say “do you know where so and so is?” Instead, I would say “good afternoon, how are you? Can you help me with some directions? Do you know where this place is?” But also, you need to remember, they wont say no, even if they don’t know where it is.