Travel Tips

Ever been to a volcano AND hummingbird resort?

The Ride

After a 3-hour drive through amazing and inviting nature, we came to a small but picturesque area close to Navado Del Ruiz. The road was fair but demanding. We were climbing up from 2,160m of Manizales to the elevation of 5,311m of Navado Del Ruiz. The city is small but interesting: you can meet all sorts of transportation means on the roads – from vehicles to horses.

The countryside is simply amazing! There are many stops to pull over and enjoy the view. Those endless sights of greenery were followed by a thicker and colder air as we climbed up.

Do not worry, there are places to take a break. You can make a stop along to way not only for sightseeing. There is a place where you can take a modest but hot meal of homemade soup, cheese, and bread. Once you come off of your motorcycle and sit down, there is nothing in this world that you would wish for more than just that!

Where to spend the night

After wandering about, it may seem like a good idea to find a place with a bed and decent meal and you will find it at Hotel Termales Del Ruiz. The place is amazing, luxurious, and way cheaper than one might expect: accommodation is under $100, a great meal for dinner just $20, and you can order almost anything – from fish-dish to horse meat (when in Colombia…). And no worries – your vehicle will be safe in the hotel parking area. You might even get a room with a view over that part of the premises.

Volcano area

You can spend early mornings wandering around the hotel or just enjoy your Colombian coffee and wait for the guided tour. You will meet amazing views basically wherever you look. Remember, you are at over 5,000 m and the countryside is overwhelmingly beautiful!

Riding up the mountains meant also lower temperatures, but this place is something else. Wherever you go, there are thermal springs, waterfalls, and streams with hot water that just came from the heart of the volcano. That place has almost the same temperature throughout the year. There are also many nicely arranged viewpoints. All of these points are connected to the hotel with stairways.

Hummingbirds resort

One of the most amazing things you will see is hummingbirds! People have made small resting places on trees for them where they leave them food. And birds don’t run away from visitors. Quite the opposite – they fly down to the palm of your hand looking for food or water.

This is a great place for vacation, exploring nature, or just ride your motorcycle and feel true Colombian life, countryside, and welcome from the nicest people ever.