
Everything You Need to Know about Freelancing Online

How do I get freelance work online?

Basically there are two main ways to get freelance work online. You can either Solicit the work or get the work to come to you. Arguably, the latter is much more difficult but once it’s achieved, the ability to scale is far greater. Let’s go into detail on that.

If you would like to solicit the jobs, you can apply to one of very many different websites. Once you create your account on the freelancing website, you just need to look for tasks that apply to you and start working. Below are some of the top 10 freelancing websites.

  • Designhill
  • Toptal
  • Fivvr
  • We Work Remotely
  • Behance
  • SimplyHired
  • Dribbble
  • PeoplePerHour

As with most industries, it’s winner-take-all so the top two most likely account for more than half of all jobs available.

If you are a more experienced worker and have a very marketable set of skills, the second method would be to create a website that features what you can bring to the table. Think of something like your name and brand dot com. Use this website as your online profile and a place where you can direct people that may want your services.

How can I become a Freelancer with no Skills?

The only real skill you need to freelance really is to be able to type. If you can type, you can freelance. The type of Freelancing you’ll be able to do is Transcriptionist work. There are tons of websites that have pleanty of transcriptionist work if you’re up to it. If you have no skills, this will be a great place to start because it will build your foundation, which is typing. Being able to type fast is, in my opinion, one of the most important things to progressing your technical background. Typing is the bottleneck with which you communicate with computers.

Below, I list a couple. Here are my favorite transcriptionist sites you can get a job at potentially.

  • Allegis Transcription
  • AlphaSights
  • Athreon
  • Cadre
  • Insight Global
  • Keywords Studios
  • Literably

Ultimately, your typing speed and english ability will be your bottlenecks in this industry.

What are the best skills for freelancers?

I’ve been freelancing for many years and I can safely tell you that the more you specialize, the more you’ll get paid. It’s as simple as that. For example, you could be a data-scientist and make $50/hour, but if you specialize in automotive data science, expect at least 20% more. The labor market is driven by supply and demand like all markets. The next piece of advice I have for you is to go into it with an open mind. You need to know what exactly your goals are. Are you looking to work your butt off and live a high-class lifestyle or are you just trying to make some side money? Be honest with yourself up front.

How do I get a Data Entry Freelance Job?

Data Entry is more or less transcription and transposition of data from one for or another. You will most likely need to know how to work at least excel and will probably need to know other data formats like CSV TSV XML and more. I began working in data entry and moved up very fast because I had some programming background and was able to scale up my data manipulation using python. I would say the key to data entry is understanding how to organize your data from one state to the next. When you are manipulating data, you are starting with the raw data and need to leave a trail of breadcrumbs back to that. This is because if you make mistakes at one step in the process, those mistakes will amplify iteration after iteration and you need to be able to see where you may have gone wrong.

What’s the most import python libraries for data science?

Hands down, NumPy and Pandas are the two most important libraries. There may be other libraries that are powerful and do cool things but without NumPy and Pandas, you will run into problems. The thing about python is it has very limited data manipulation abilities out of the box. These two libraries give you the tools you need so that you can use the other, more complex data science libraries.

What is the Easiest Freelance Job?

The key to an easy freelance job is deadlines. Jobs that have many deadlines will always be more difficult than jobs without deadlines since you can do them when your schedule permits. However, here is my list of 10 easy freelance jobs most people can do.

  • Appointment Setting and Virtual Assistant
  • Phone call answering
  • Website Manager (if you know WordPress)
  • Customer Service / Support
  • Transcriptionist
  • Social Media posting
  • Proofreading / blog posting
  • Basic Data Entry
  • English teacher Online
  • Basic Bookkeeping / accounting support.

What type of Freelance Clients Should You Avoid?

There are clients you will need to avoid.

The number one red flag to avoid is if the client mentions negative experiences with freelancers in the past. This commentary on freelancers is often an indication of some problem that continues to be repeated. Whether it’s the task that is extremely difficult or not properly scoped out, whether it’s personal problems with the client, or perhaps it’s the client not understanding that freelancers are not employees and they set expectations improperly, whatever it may be. The thing to take away here is that this client is mentioning a track record of conflict with freelancers and as a freelancer, and as someone who can choose who you do business with, sometimes it’s best to steer clear of these types of clients. Im not saying that it is 100% of all clients that mention bad experiences, but if you ever sense any type of drama early on, it’s is often best to just move on with someone else if possible.

What are the best types of Freelance Clients?

The best types of clients are the ones that clearly define what is needed and what success looks like. Let me give you an example of how language is sometimes improperly used to describe what is needed.

Client: I need a blogpost.

Freelancer: Okay, here’s your blog post.

Client: I meant I needed a blog post about Sloths

Freelancer: Oh, okay. I understand. Here is your blog post about sloths.

Client: Well actually I needed it to be about the native sloths to Costa Rica. And it needs to be 750 words.

Freelancer: I completely understand, here you go. Can we finish the contract?

Client: That’s just a word document, I needed it posted to my website, with photos! And categorize it properly and publish it.

Freelancer: Got it. Done.

So when you first applied to this job, you probably bid pretty low because when you read blog post, you were in price competition with the absolute simplest interpretation of the task. So you had to bid low. And then, once you were more enveloped in the task, you had to add free requirements OR tell your client that it’s outside of scope. This is the problem. How do you tell a client that they unfortunately are asking for tasks that were not outlined? You’ve already invested your time and energy into the task. Where do you go from there?

This is the dilemma of freelancing. Managing this scenario will take you far in your career.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

How to Become a Freelance Transcriptionist Today

The number one most important part about being a transcriptionist is that you type fast. One of the fastest ways to become a faster typist is to use tools online. My favorite tool for improving my typing speed is: Having a great set of headphones is also critical.

How much does being a transcriptionist pay?

$10-$25 / hour. If you specialize, you could make more. And if your quality is very low, you could be paid less. According to Daily Transcriptionist, top transcriptions make between $350 and $950 / week. That’s pretty good! However, it is very important to understand that this is all performance based. So if you are slow, or if you are lazy, then the pay will be low.

Is being a transcriptionist a good job?

It depends on what you value. If you are a solitary person who likes to complete work on your own time, at your own pace, and if you like being paid for performance rather than attendance, being a transcriptionist is good for you. It’s a great job if you like to work alone.

How fast do transcriptionists need to be able to type?

The typical ratio for transcriptionists is that they are able to transcribe 1 hour of audio in 4 hours total time. A real time transcriptionist is someone who needs to be able to type 200 to 300 words per minute.

How long does it take to transcribe 1,000 words?

40-60 minutes. It should take about 40-60 minutes to transcribe 1,000 words. Think about it like this. Normal speech is 100-150 words per minute. That means the the 150 words is spoken in 7-10 minutes. The rule is that it is a 4 to 1 ratio of transcription to speech, so that 1000 words should take between 40 and 60 minutes approximately.

Is being a transcriptionist a good side job?

Absolutely. The key to having a good side job is being able to complete tasks on your own schedule and since being a transcriptionist is all demand-based pay, then you can do it on your own time. If you frequently find yourself with a free few hours at the end of the night, consider trying it out.

What are some of the drawbacks to being a transcriptionist?

The biggest drawback to being a transcriptionist is the potential for repetitive stress injury. Since you are typing, listening, and sitting at the computer, you need to be very aware that you can injury yourself after prolonged hours of work. Carpel Tunnel, eye strain, neck strain, all of these things are very real possibilities.

What are the different types of Transcriptionist?

  • Legal transcriptionist
  • Real Time Transcriptionist
  • Medical Transcriptionist
  • Law Enforcement Transcription Services
  • Daily Transcriptionist

Are there tools for transcriptionists that improve speed?

Absolutely. There are many tools transcriptionists can use to help. Below is a list

  • OTranscribe
  • Express Scribe
  • Inscribe
  • Transcribe

There are many tools and here are just a few.

What’s the best keyboard for transcriptionists?

This isa highly personal choice but for me, the best is the Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard. Your muscles and your stamina are going to be huge bottlenecks of your output so comfort should really be prioritized over speed.

How much can you make adding captions to videos?

Between $1 and $15 per minute of video. I’ve surveyed several captionistas and this is the range you should expect.

What accuracy should a transcriptionist have?

As close to 100% as possible. There are some clients who will not pay for below 100%.