Bicycle Routes Manizales Travel Tips

Riding Honda XRE 300 through the Colombian Cafetera Zone: Manizales, Santagueda, Palestina, Chinchina

Off To Some Coffee Business

When you’re riding through the Colombian Cafetera Zone, it sounds like a good idea to grab a coffee, and when I say coffee – I mean the best coffee in the world. And Chinchina is your place to do it! At the cafe I visited with my friend Alejandra, I got it for $1.

And it is so normal to sit outside, in the sun, drink coffee next to coffee plants. They look like small bushes with tiny grains of green and red color. You can touch them. Red ones are ripe, and green ones not so much.

Here in Chinchina, everywhere you go – it’s all about coffee, plants, commercials, street stands selling it, sculptures of coffee cups.

You can walk all over town in three or five minutes. And although it may seem at first that this is a city of pensioners, you might run into some nice, friendly, female faces, street musicians, and rather cool places to go out to.

Riding About

You could keep riding here for hours and hours. You are almost constantly surrounded by a jungly paradise. And the greenery is not only part of the only urban surrounding. Towns have wide park areas, there are trees literary all over the area. Manizales was a bit cold place, but Chinchina and Santagueda are boiling.

Having a Night Out

My friend Alejandra and I went to a restaurant for a dinner and I can’t believe how the food tastes amazing and is cheap, like $3 per person.

On our way out we saw a proper yellow bus, all in lights and loud music, moving forward very slowly, but rooftop full of people having liquor and the time of their lives!

Moto Vlog Comming Up

After some time socializing and feeling the very life in these parts, it was time to go back to the riding. And what I wanted to see is some serious rush hour traffic.

It was another beautiful day, good weather I mean since we’ve had quite a bit of rain lately. I was driving through my neighborhood. It is quite relaxing when you hit the road somewhere suburban, but when you wish to feel the rush hour traffic, then be prepared to feel a bit nervous. And do make sure that your visor is down so you don’t burn your eyes while on the move. Riding in the streets you get to see crazy stuff. Seems like some people are running into the street for the sake of sport. And on one side some drivers just go with the flow, and others will stop at every crossing, waving people to go, making it rather unsafe for the other drivers to move down the road.

To stop this kamikaze ride, I pulled out to the motor shop of my friend Jacob to get a little adjustment on this clutch. It is a new one, so I need to adjust it a little bit to switch the speeds easier.

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