
Saigon Vietnam Travel Experience by Jonathan North

hey everybody how you doing my name’s jonathan north i just flew from florida to vietnam and i want to share with you the experience how i uh you know how basically i i wound up here in saigon i i i flew out of palm city which is uh or i didn’t fly about palm city my journey started in palm city i flew out of miami and i would say probably the whole the most difficult part of the trip was getting to miami like every other part you know once you get through uh security you’re on autopilot you know and getting through security and getting onto my flight at plutontar airways was like a non-event it was very easy i had the e-visa it’s 25 and i got it almost instantly and they just scanned the e-visa and that’s it all right good to go so anyway the difficult part of getting down there on this on this tri-rail it’s just a total nightmare you know miami get into miami generally speaking is just is always an ordeal and and the tri-rail was about equally as of an ordeal as drive-in you’re kind of going through some like really seedy things you know you basically have to clutch your uh your belongings most of the way there’s people who are just like freaking out and being like unnecessarily aggressive but i guess that’s a south florida sort of thing but uh the first stop i had was in doha so i flew qatar airways and qatar airways is a really i don’t know i’ve always had good experiences with qatar it’s a little bit pricier but you lay over in doha uh it’s it’s a 13-hour leg to doha and it took a nine hour uh layover in in the airport and then another seven hours or so to saigon it’s pretty chill and and the layover in doha is nice like you can buy an iphone you can buy you know they have like real legit shops it’s like you’re in a it’s like you’re in a really high class middle eastern shopping mall and you know the middle east is like seriously extravagant so you know they’ve had like tag tag watches and uh that are for sale in the duty free and like they’re trying to sell you a mclaren look yeah sure i’ll just buy this this mclaren 720s uh and it’s a spectacle too because you get this little flavor of uh you know just a little taste of of what middle eastern extravagance is all like you see people wearing like the the thobes and the guthras and yeah it’s like the full gear you see the women wearing all black like saudi style or i don’t know what other countries do it but and then the food court is pretty good you’ll meet all the people working there are malaysian or filipino so i think that they they bring in a lot of their their workers uh there’s like you’ll see interesting things too like the smoking rooms and the prayer rooms men’s prayer rooms women’s prayer rooms it’s like uh it’s an experience it really is like you get to see such a different culture but for a very short period of time and then the flight over to saigon is super easy just basically nothing you know what you landed in saigon i think i paid i paid for a taxi i paid meter taxi and it was like less than 200 000 vnd to district 1 where i’m staying now uh so 200 000 b d is like eight dollars in a meter taxi and the metered airport taxis are are pretty expensive if i took like a grab motorbike would be 70 cents or a dollar or something but i i was tired i had a lot of stuff on me didn’t really want to

but then once i got off just kind of scooted around and i’m on day three here and they say that you have one day of recovery for every day of jet lag or time change so i i probably have another good week until i feel normal again from this jet lag in the combination of jet lag and adjusting to the uh i feel like there’s a bit of msg in the food here you have to be careful the industry can get you because you want to come here and have like a real nice like street food experience and you know have some drinks you know that’s what you do when you go to a new place you go and you party you have a couple drinks you try to enjoy it you’re up at night water here adjusted to the time zone different so but those are really truly the worst things you can do you know having some salty street food and beer is like not what the doctor orders

when you’re adjusting to a new culture you’re on the other side of the world you feel a little bit more isolated you have to deal with things there’s like a high cognitive load so for me personally i just i i tell myself i know that i could be overwhelmed coming to asia this is like i’ve done i’ve done this this multiple day trip many times and it takes practice the first time you do it if you bite off more than you can you can kind of crash and burn i’ve done i’ve literally done that before you know because it can be overwhelming too because it’s you know you have people asking you what are you doing you know you might meet a girl you might need some people and and you have to keep your wits about you you know you’re in a foreign lane wind walking down walking street you know people are telling you be careful with your wall be careful with your phone you know watch the motorbike that’s something i’ve heard that uh you know you have to sometimes just breathe and slow down because it’s really easy just like riding

so i went out the first night the movie end screen and it was fun i stayed out i went out and basically 2 a.m i come home i fell asleep at the apartment went out at 2 a.m and then i was out until 10 a.m so thursday night 100 all night hang out you know walking straight at spirit you know wake up it’s this city doesn’t sleep like they used to say new york’s a city that he never sleeps or what were they called the brother the city of brotherly love that was uh what new york city was and uh or was it the windy thing a saigon you can do whatever this is on you get whatever you want but there was a bit of rain the first night and bouvier completely completely downpoured which was a pain but it was pretty quick and i uh i got some cool shots and i hope you are seeing those now

the water was a little you know i would not walk barefoot through that stuff because you don’t know what you’re stepping on you don’t know if there’s glass and you don’t want to get anything i have been sort of pampering myself the last couple of days here another ritual of mine for when i come into a new country is i just get foot massages i got i got this beautiful pedicure i don’t know if you can see it or a manicure i got a manicure and a pedicure oh now when i talk to a girl i go oh hello i i show them uh

i show off my my beautiful nails pedicure pedicure and manicure was 50 vmd so it’s like two dollars foot massage with a shoulder shoulder massage hand massage arm massage was eight bucks so with tip you know 300 bnd uh which is you know 12 dollars and that’s like a two and a half you get you i usually do that every single day when i’m adjusting to jet lag no spare no expense on relaxation and you you were just in a plane for basically two days like my neck was sore like i need a good massage early in the morning or early at night

so yeah so we’re sitting here we’re in saigon

the scooters are starting to uh come out and i decided i want to spend some time at the beach so i went on be it be a jet or something like that i went on the national airways during vietnam airways and i bought ticket for today at noon i bought that this morning we’re going to go to da nang and relax by the beach i want to get i want to keep my my health in order and do some running and things like that and i know that the name has beautiful beaches and a lot of walking a really easy lifestyle i can’t wait to go see that so so i should be in vietnam

so there you go

be sure to stay tuned for some more

thank you


get the live stream going

so pan me in the soup with this all together this one is with the soup and this one is sweet it will soak and manually eat with this
