Travel Tips

Chipre Manizales Or Just Get Down Sunday In The City

Going out for a feeling of the pulse of some town on a Sunday night is amazing just per se. Going out for a feeling of the pulse of a foreign town on a Sunday night is always fun. But, going out for a feeling of the pulse of a small Colombian city is just something else!

Even in these times of world pandemic, the thing that you can feel and almost touch is people’s sense of belonging to a community.
Even in the daytime, people do not go out just to go somewhere or do something. Going out is part of the feeling that you belong to a certain place, a community. And then the place is more than just a gathering site. It has a character.

I walked along a pedestrian street in the evening, and I met young people and senior citizens. I met families and singles just walking to and from; I met young people gathering at a wall post, and I saw couples sharing a place on the bench. Some were out just for a walk, others grabbed a coffee to go, some food or drink.

In this relatively small place, I saw people of various backgrounds. I learned that many are motorcycling, and it is practically part of their identity. I’ve seen big limos passing by, but I also saw a guy picking garbage to find cans and sell them to a recycling place. And in between, he emptied their content in himself. A step away was a street musician playing his instrument.

The air was humid, the night was full of stars, and I asked myself why is this country amongst the most dangerous ones in this part of the world.

But tomorrow is another day.

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