Travel Tips

Bowling Night Out

Bowling is always a good idea if you want to kill some time and have fun! There is nothing not to know. All you need to have is an opponent to mock whenever you do better. Especially if the opponent has more experience.

If you’re first-time bowling, there are just a few tips to pick up. And be prepared for the fact that all the muscles of your body might ache the following morning.

My first try did not go so well, but I got some tips, and it became a great deal better. The student became better than his teacher! We had a few troubles with the score screen, but the result was not that tight that it would matter.

It’s always a good idea to grab a beer while on it. It makes things only more exciting.

My opponent was my father, which always makes things way more interesting than it would be that it was just someone I just met. We did well.

Bowling speaks a universal language. No matter where the alley is, you tend to pick up on it immediately. If you haven’t, you should give it a shot. I highly recommend it.